Sales conditions

These General Conditions were unanimously approved and decided by UPIVEB Board on February 11th, 2005

1) General Remarks
The following general supply conditions are in force and are applied to any Supplier’s commercial practice in the industry of mechanical fasteners and similar parts, and in general, to any product manufactured, assembled, purchased and sold by the Supplier. These general conditions are drawn up in compliance with the laws in force and shall be considered the juridical base for any contract signed by the Supplier, except for the case of special orders or agreements, which they may be derogated from in writing. These conditions shall prevail on any different purchase condition used by the Customer, and are man integral part of the supply contract executed by the Supplier in favour of the Customer. Where not otherwise regulated through these supply conditions, the provisions of the Law Decree n° 231 of October 9th, 2002, shall be in any case enforced. Therefore, the following general supply conditions concern any executed contract or order, even though not expressly confirmed by the Customer, including orders placed as “open” or
“scheduled” orders. In any case, these conditions shall be considered automatically accepted by the Customer on the first Product delivery. The Customer, within its competence, is bound to implement all the measures and activities provided for in this document.

